An anemometer that uses a recording device to document wind speed and direction continuously. ”
L’anemograf est constitué d’une toile ø 4 mètres, d’anemo-capteurs en aluminium, d’un système de goute à goute, de l’encre de Chine et d’un mobile qui progresse selon le vent du lieu.
L’anemograf permet de dresse le portrait climatique de la ville à un moment T.
EN :
The anemograf consists of a canvas ø 4 meters, aluminum anemo-sensors, a droplet system, Indian ink and a mobile that progresses according to the wind of the place.
The anemograf makes it possible to draw the climatic portrait of the city at a time T.
Art installation during the Festival « A Cel Obert »s, in the Courtyard of City Hall of Jesùs (Tortosa) in Spain. Festival of Architectures Vives lasts 6 days in October.
B. Joudrier and L. Girault have made a pen for the Wind during 6 days in Spain thanks to a mobile, moving due to the air created by spectators’ walks and the changing climate. The mobile enabled the Wind to express itself on canvas (4 m diamater).
« The anemograf »
He has a sense of the whole and return to unity. A mobile summarizes these concepts, it embodies motion, instability and perpetual transformation defying the laws of gravity and balance. This is a lightweight structure whose elements are suspended in motion under the action of air and wind flow.
The mobile
Articulated on several strips of wood, tapered volumes float and move without constraints.
These are filled with ink by a pipetting device, falls dropwise on a canvas. « The anemograf » captures its environment and immediately transcribed onto a canvas under the eye of the intrigued viewer.
Time and motion materialize randomly and in a poetic way on a new page.
Bars are made of wood, slightly painted in black.
10 cones are made of steel. Their manufacturing has been made on site, (handmade) a piece of steel (aluminium, 50 by 40 cm) was turned and folded in the purpose of shaping the cone. All the cones are similar, it was the weights for making stability of the mobile.
The painting is made of 1 canvas (ø 4 m). Now, the canvas with the Wind’s drawings is private.
The surprise was the result of the feature, mechanical but random, the wind wrote.
One painting have separated after six days, written evidence of the climate of Jesùs, South and hot climate.
The main concept was imagined with this team :
E. Gobin, C. Morin, B. Joudrier and L. Girault.